
today is my last day of work!!

And as such is my last opportunity to be paid to blog for the foreseeable future. Classes start again on Tuesday and I’m a seeing them as a little bit dreadful, right now. The thing is, I’m moody. So I don’t like the idea of going back to school right now but I might like it a bit better in 15 minutes.

I dropped my phone in a glass of milk the other day. I wrote an email asking everyone who’s email addresses I had to send me their phone numbers, it went like this:

"dear beloved all,

i dropped my phone in a glass of milk last night. you're not going tobelieve this, but my pink phone was not milk proof and is now stickyand not working.
rather than ask me "how" i managed to "accidentally" drop my phone ina glass of milk, email me your phone number so i can call you from a pay phone and complain.
seriously though, i will not pick up phone calls if i don't know thenumber, and i can't call you. so if you'd ever like to hear my sweetsweet shrill voice again, pass along your digits.

best, jenni"

The award for funniest response goes to one paul sennot who (in the relevant parts) said:

"Dear Ms. Smith,

I realize that you have probably received 12 snarky email replies already; Iwill not write #13...although just so you aren't disappointed in me pleaseknow that I have at least 10 great jokes about this situation already (theypretty much write themselves).
I am sorry to hear about your phone. Cell phone problems totally suck andpayphones have germs.
A friend of mine works at sprint and can hook you upif you have/switch to sprint. Let me know and I can put you guys in touch.My number: XXX.XXX.XXXX


P.s. Okay just one: I can also get you in touch with a guy who sells sippycups...the tops are super convenient for keeping phones and whatnot out ofyour milk and you can get them in pink. That or a switch to juice boxes isprobably your best bet.....Love uuuuuuu."

i bought a new phone, though, and AS SOON AS I figure out how to turn it on, i'll start calling people.

In other news, I’m gearing up for summer!! As such I was checking out neu’s “summester” calendar. (I love puns, you can’t quarrel with a great pun.) there is a bunch of SUPER FUN stuff coming up SOON, and I was excited, so I was asking jon if ANY of it interested him. That line of questioning resulted in me writing the following FABULOUS play:

your boyfriend no longer prefers your company.

a play in one act.

me: i have many many ideas for fun things we could do for cheap all summer long!!! (bounce bounce!!)
jon: but i am le tired, and the bus aggravates my gout!


that's just the way it happened too! anway. I’m sure we can have fun without aggravating his gout. back to le grind.

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