i almost forgot
so i was going to keep it a secret, but that, CLEARLY, isn't my style. I've decided to apply to Tufts MPH program to get a mph concurrent with my JD. which is exciting. but it may be bullshit.
1. i can't tell if i really want a MPH. clearly i am unhappy with JD and with it's limited ability to be "useful". For example, Sanni sometimes has to pinch herself bc she JUST CAN'T BELIEVE she's REALLY in law school. Alternately Sanni frequently has to pinch me to make sure I'm not sleeping in class. This isn't where i want to be, and if practice is anything like this, being a lawyer can blow me. (I'm not saying it isn't interesting. It is, but everyone is so fucking arrogant and manages to bring up torts doctrine all the time in crim, EVEN THOUGH Williams has repeatedly told us that THIS ISN'T TORTS. and I'm so afraid that I'm that annoying too, but my head is shoved up lawschool's ass so far i can't tell.
2. MPH is a challenging science based degree, not a cure all for dislike of lawschool.
3. i would essentially be taking a year off from lawschool to do this and switching rotations.
just don't know.
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1. i can't tell if i really want a MPH. clearly i am unhappy with JD and with it's limited ability to be "useful". For example, Sanni sometimes has to pinch herself bc she JUST CAN'T BELIEVE she's REALLY in law school. Alternately Sanni frequently has to pinch me to make sure I'm not sleeping in class. This isn't where i want to be, and if practice is anything like this, being a lawyer can blow me. (I'm not saying it isn't interesting. It is, but everyone is so fucking arrogant and manages to bring up torts doctrine all the time in crim, EVEN THOUGH Williams has repeatedly told us that THIS ISN'T TORTS. and I'm so afraid that I'm that annoying too, but my head is shoved up lawschool's ass so far i can't tell.
2. MPH is a challenging science based degree, not a cure all for dislike of lawschool.
3. i would essentially be taking a year off from lawschool to do this and switching rotations.
just don't know.
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