

Today is my second snowday of the week, Monday was the first, because boston just isn’t coping with the snow pile-on. I know snowdays are a blessing but its annoying that I drug my ass all the way to school in the snow, sat through one class and then had the rest of school cancelled. This is a really bad week for work; tons and tons, and I kind of need to get cracking. But nevertheless, now I get to do Con-law from bed. Right after I finish my post and stop eating cookie dough ice cream

Sanni and I celebrated snowday by taking the C line to Trader Joe’s and then a cab to our respective houses. I should have bought NOTHING as I need NOTHING. Instead I bought wine and framboise and olives stuffed with jalapeno peppers and green tea and Costa Rican coffee and mochi and god knows what else. I don’t know what’s with me an olives lately. I love love love love them. And I’m martini happy too, but I never have any vermouth. It really isn’t the same w/o vermouth.

I met with this lady Wendy who is in charge of the MPH program I’m considering applying to and was like, “Wendy, should I get an MPH.” and the bitch said that it’s a decision I need to make on my own. BITCH. What I need to do is get a guidance counselor and a nanny and a paralegal.

I think I figured out why I don’t like criminal law. Everyone seems to love it so much b/c it’s interesting and engaging…and the reason I think it istn sitting well with me is because it’s all about judging people’s decisions. I don’t know when I developed this reisistance to value judgments, but I really cant believe that our whole criminal justice system is so paternal and fixated on negative consequences for a lot of what amounts to bad decision making. BAD DOG!! BAD DOG!!! How sophisticated is that? But if you read the common law that the penal codes rose out of, it relies on all these concepts like, “the abandoned and malignant heart” and “wicked disposition,” which seems nonsensical and not like the stuff justice is crafted from.

Nevertheless, here we are.

james camara is really nice. i saw him last weekend and we played a card game called apples to apples in a coffeeshop while eating creme brulee.

i think you and i have the same psychosis. call me if you ever want to talk about it, or if you ever feel the sentence "i think i should get a degree in *blank*" rising in your throat like this morning's coffee.

how are you in the boy dept.? i had the most horrifying dream last night. i wish we could have had one of our lunches, as we used to, so i could have told you all about it. !!

tah tah, or, as they say, sassypants.  

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