101 rottweilers
my new hair and my mom's great big rottweiler's apparent fear of me has started my dad in on a series of cruella deVille jokes... which is fine, if not humiliating. Mostly fine. Never the less, i wouldn't mind making a coat out of the fur of hundreds of soft puppies. Only if i could avoid injuring the puppies, of course.
snow followed me to VA (yay) which means restrictions on me leaving my parents house are more stringent than usual. Nothing limits autonomy like natural disaster. So far today I've eaten a muffin, taken a bath, and called all area book stores in pursuit of The Warren Court and blah blah blah. No luck. The bad news is that it's practically five. And i got up at 7:30. i feel devastatingly useless.
if i had more energy and less shame i would fill you, dear reader, in on my meeting with my adviser from Friday. But, you'll have to ask me, you won't be able to glean that sort of information without personal contact.(i'm not failing out of school or walking away from school or anything of any interest.) However, i can selectively illustrate your version of my life.
I'm reading Tom Robbin's Still Life with Woodpecker which has me stuck on peachfish and outlaws. it's so good. so much better than jitterbug. and it's nearly done. and i'm going to have nothing to read on the way home, you know besides the PILES AND PILES of Conlaw/lcd nonsense i have to catch up on. i just referred to Boston as home. sadpants.
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snow followed me to VA (yay) which means restrictions on me leaving my parents house are more stringent than usual. Nothing limits autonomy like natural disaster. So far today I've eaten a muffin, taken a bath, and called all area book stores in pursuit of The Warren Court and blah blah blah. No luck. The bad news is that it's practically five. And i got up at 7:30. i feel devastatingly useless.
if i had more energy and less shame i would fill you, dear reader, in on my meeting with my adviser from Friday. But, you'll have to ask me, you won't be able to glean that sort of information without personal contact.(i'm not failing out of school or walking away from school or anything of any interest.) However, i can selectively illustrate your version of my life.
I'm reading Tom Robbin's Still Life with Woodpecker which has me stuck on peachfish and outlaws. it's so good. so much better than jitterbug. and it's nearly done. and i'm going to have nothing to read on the way home, you know besides the PILES AND PILES of Conlaw/lcd nonsense i have to catch up on. i just referred to Boston as home. sadpants.
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