
i'm supposed to be reading criminal law about getting out of jail b/c yr crazypants. instead, i posted pictures of my mom's new dog.

Honestly, there is no way anyone who hasn't met my mom, at the very least, could ever appreciate how RIDICULOUS her acquiring a NEW large unruly dog is. it would help you even move in understanding if Domino, rest his soul, ever bit you or mistook you for steak or a burglar.

and you're missing out. very few people are irresponsible ("crazy") enough to keep a vicious animal, for no other reason than spiting disgruntled girlscout troop leaders and making your children's lives AWKWARD, but my mother is no ordinary lady. keep in mind that ownwers are strictly liable for their vicious animals, at least in the civil context. and without details, or puncture wounds, you're never going to get it.

in all fairness for the last 2 years he was kicking it, Domino RARELY did anything more than growl and gum. Hardly vicious. Then again he was 17 years old.

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