
and i'm saying that nothing in the past or future will feel like today...

I can't stop listening to Bright Eyes. I'm paralyzed by whining and crying.

I'm also at work and I have 15 minutes of downtime before i leave (not enough to do anything remotely useful,) so why not post?

We have beautiful almost spring weather in Boston today. Wet and quasi warm. I’m going to stop by whole foods get some soy milk and make myself a chai latte and have a big salad on my front porch when I get home. Yummy yummy.

This week feels so short and so long. I feel like Friday is premature, BUT last Monday is an ocean and a continent a way, at least.

Pete, yes the one and only, most notably recently cast as my exboyfriend, came to Boston last weekend and stayed through Tuesday. What can I say? Wonderful to see him in way that I will never be able to describe.

Clarity and I talk a lot about 2 concepts. (1) The idea that sometimes you have to play the game (appear disinterested) and (2) if you CAN box and label you emotions and feelings about people/situations and leave them on interior shelves forever.

I think we're both bullshit. You need to be honest (with yourself and, really everyone in the room, everyone connected to your heartstrings); both to avoid being at fault for breaking your heartstrings as well as to be a good person. Additionally, you can't box shit. Those feeling will always be there, ignoring them will just leave you bewildered later on.

i overdrew my checking account by $3! so aggravating! the bank should note that it was clearly a math error and not charge me $27 for the priviledge of being stupid.

welcome to the weekend my loves. All the best.

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