
pre-ides of march blues

sometimes people owe you money, and you want to ask for it, but dignity prevents you from reaching out and being entitled. I'm super hung up on Bright Eyes right now. and although I'm poor in an unimaginable empty hand to empty mouth way, i ordered three books this afternoon. one of no interest (l-school bullshit), The New York Trilogy, and Created in Darkness by Troubled Americans. I have plenty to read, but you need to spend $25 to qualify for free shipping, hence the perpetual book buying nonsense.

I've wasted the weekend. Although i had the most amazing Friday ever, Angharad and Vanessa had Sanni and i over for dinner. and we had steak. and it's amazing, but nothing like the carnivors describe. A&V are an amazing couple. like nothing I've ever seen. just real warmth and understanding. Not even the kind that inspires jealousy of the, "why is my life so empty?" persuasion. The kind of relationship that makes you feel alive and loved by osmosis. wrapped up in luck for having such amazing people in proximity.

i filed my FAFSA today, so as soon as i finish my school aid form i should be right on track for borrowing MORE MORE MORE MORE money. (yay). might make soup later. or do homework. Whatever. Whatever. digital cable (and all 46 of my HBOs) is ruining my life, so i might not have time for soup OR homework. god knows what might be on tv on Sunday.

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