
Administrative law is not for sissies

Japan was amazing. it's hard to even describe it otherwise. if you ever ever have the opportunity to do anything, everything, every opportunity you have comes highly recommended. if that makes sense.

i'll look into posting some pictures and stuff. Clarity wouldn't share the camera, so she appears infrequently... which means lot's of pictures of me standing around in front of temples, or eating weird shit.

so, today is the first day of my second year of law school. it's a breathe into a bag kind of day. i don't know why i am up before my alarm, drinking coffee, wringing my hands, but i am. should be a great summer. and the beginning of a good year. i need to decide on classes today, for sure. since i registered for 1 million credits. and i can't handle all 1 million.

it's really good to be home. apartment shopping 2005 starts this weekend. not only is S.masters (of high school fame) going to be a neu law student, she's also going to be living with me and sanni-pants. can't beat that.

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