
mittens and kittens

i do not believe i have ever neglected my blog so magnificently. and i would continue with my inattention i believe indefinitely, however i am positively swamped with school work, and nothing avoids work like mindless hobbies. and since i am at my FABULOUS library work study job and not at home to knit in bed or distract smasters form her school work, my third love, the long forgotten blog, can resume importance.

Philadelphia, co-op there in federal court for three months was wonderful (hindsight and rose colored glasses included). i learned a great deal, i got a stellar evaluation, i learned to walk AND (god help me) bend my completely uncooperative left leg with newly replaced ACL. I also lived (for the first time since that fabled and enchanted summer in Rochester) with one of the most important people in my life, miss jennifer kirsch. i also had the opportunity to become close to one sarah iler. someone who has always played a magnificent supporting role in my life, but one with whom i've never had the opportunity to be truly intimate. and it was a pleasure. and they both saved my life. again and again. and then again and again. but close calls are often the mortar of life long friendship. so i'm not only not complaining, i'm greatful. xoxo

the whole law school/ Boston/ Cambridge thing is back on. by some miracle (that defies expression with any sort of brevity but could accurately be described as perseverance) i avoided my third knee surgery this November and i am now hopping and skipping all over new England (with utmost care in the snow and ice, of course).

school is a drag, but after careful consideration, i think i prefer it to working which means i should start thinking of reality delaying graduate programs to pursue in fall 2007. i think i would make an excellent medical student. or astronaut. or ballerina. i might be MOST QUALIFIED to get an LLM, so maybe i will look into that.

i'm phasing out coffee in favor of sweet delicious tea. i prefer black chai, prince of wales or Irish breakfast - though only in a pinch.

i want new mittens. but i should be shopping for others, not myself. at least not until after Xmas. feliz navidad friends!

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