stupid stupid stupid
I am developing an obsession, a distasteful obsession, with the way people become informed about "things." For example: "I learned about Native Americans from rage against the machine," or "Now that I've read Reading Lolita in Tehran I understand Iran. And women," or even, "All religion is bathed in conspiracy! Have you seen the movie STIGMATA??" Are all examples of sentences that compel me to spit blood. No worries though, I am seeking medical attention and attending a class to deal with the way popular culture informs stupidity. Don't get me wrong, I think it's good that people are interested in topics outside of their own immediate interests, but I am worried about the lack of perception of an author/producer/singer-songwriter's own bias. SO much of everything produced is written, sometimes unintentionally, with an agenda. So the "artists" views are unavoidable, but the willful blindness to those views is unacceptable .
this is NOT directed at you, clare, even though we had the kiterunner argument that "almost" ruined our friendship. (or not almost at all.) it's not directed at anyone is particular. it's just, from this moment forward, going to be my #1 pet peeve.
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this is NOT directed at you, clare, even though we had the kiterunner argument that "almost" ruined our friendship. (or not almost at all.) it's not directed at anyone is particular. it's just, from this moment forward, going to be my #1 pet peeve.
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