
In the fine tradition of recounting things that people tell me on gchat, a story from anna t. about being crazy in law school:

"Anna: oh man i forgot to tell you law school gossip so everyone's all stressy faceand our library has the ridiculous policy of not allowing food/drinks that aren't in travel mugs which sucks and people sneak coffee in all the time and then the library people find you and give you a hard time and then you have to throw it out and that sucks so this girl in my section this morning brings in dunkin iced coffe and the library guy is like "you can't birng that into the library" and she's like "F U! F U! I can bring in this coffee! I'm bringing it in!" and she goes to a cubicle and starts working and the guy comes over to her and is like "you need to throw that out" and, again with the F-word and then she THROWS THE COFFEE AT HIM. it hits his shoes (it was iced, no burns or anything) and he walks away and she goes back to work and then the DEANS and SECURITY come in and escort her outside they put a big yellow "caution" sign near her cubicle not before she starts bawling in the library and there are people cheering and chanting and screaming "KICK HER OUT! KICK HER OUT!" it was a mess and then she's outside crying for an hour with the deans because she doesn't want this to be on her record because disciplinary stuff might make you not able to be admitted to the bar or whateverso they just say she can't use the library for the rest of the semester. it's CRAZY. people are FLIPPING OUT."

oh to be young, and a one L!! i'd like to think we keep people like that OUT of the bar. but american loves assholes, so probably not.

if you're one of my real life frineds, ask me about the ass grabber on the train this morning. and come back tomorrow to read my tale of the cannibal fishes.

If you don't update regularly, I can't stalk you.  

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