
101 rottweilers

my new hair and my mom's great big rottweiler's apparent fear of me has started my dad in on a series of cruella deVille jokes... which is fine, if not humiliating. Mostly fine. Never the less, i wouldn't mind making a coat out of the fur of hundreds of soft puppies. Only if i could avoid injuring the puppies, of course.

snow followed me to VA (yay) which means restrictions on me leaving my parents house are more stringent than usual. Nothing limits autonomy like natural disaster. So far today I've eaten a muffin, taken a bath, and called all area book stores in pursuit of The Warren Court and blah blah blah. No luck. The bad news is that it's practically five. And i got up at 7:30. i feel devastatingly useless.

if i had more energy and less shame i would fill you, dear reader, in on my meeting with my adviser from Friday. But, you'll have to ask me, you won't be able to glean that sort of information without personal contact.(i'm not failing out of school or walking away from school or anything of any interest.) However, i can selectively illustrate your version of my life.

I'm reading Tom Robbin's Still Life with Woodpecker which has me stuck on peachfish and outlaws. it's so good. so much better than jitterbug. and it's nearly done. and i'm going to have nothing to read on the way home, you know besides the PILES AND PILES of Conlaw/lcd nonsense i have to catch up on. i just referred to Boston as home. sadpants.


i'm supposed to be reading criminal law about getting out of jail b/c yr crazypants. instead, i posted pictures of my mom's new dog.

Honestly, there is no way anyone who hasn't met my mom, at the very least, could ever appreciate how RIDICULOUS her acquiring a NEW large unruly dog is. it would help you even move in understanding if Domino, rest his soul, ever bit you or mistook you for steak or a burglar.

and you're missing out. very few people are irresponsible ("crazy") enough to keep a vicious animal, for no other reason than spiting disgruntled girlscout troop leaders and making your children's lives AWKWARD, but my mother is no ordinary lady. keep in mind that ownwers are strictly liable for their vicious animals, at least in the civil context. and without details, or puncture wounds, you're never going to get it.

in all fairness for the last 2 years he was kicking it, Domino RARELY did anything more than growl and gum. Hardly vicious. Then again he was 17 years old.

she needs a big fucking dog, she's an old lady.

le doggie under glass

RIGHT NOW, they're paying me.

so all in all a lovely wknd w/kirsch. i wish she lived here, or i lived there (philly) or SOMETHING. either way.

unfortunately, Today is, "LOOK how hard it is NOT TO SMOKE DAY." all i want to do is chain smoke til i throw up, or check into a hospital thus cleverly avoiding my schoolwork. I'm at work now, and i should be "doing something" but my supervisor's boss is out of town and she's encouraged me to "do my own thing for the next two weeks" she likely means my own school related things, but, clearly, you win some, you loose some. i'm going to try to post a picture of my mom's dog BEFORE i leave work. riiiiiiiiiiiiight now.



i was so bullshit pissed at lawschool AND Boston, but now that jenn is here i am SO CALM and not crazy furious. :) so nice to see her. all we managed to do today was go buy a router for the internet at my house, (WHICH STILL DOESN'T WORK!!) and have lunch. now we're just checking email at school. there's always tomorrow to be productive.

i bought my SUPER FABULOUS SPRING BREAK TICKETS. To Virginia. To go to church with my mom...and rent movies with my dad. i sure do *love* spring break, but whatever, i need to start on my outlines and i need to get out of Boston. And mommy and daddy will only pay to have me shipped to their house. as much as i'd love to use spring break as an excuse to kill brain cells and spend some QT in Mexican prison, this is for the best.

in super funny news... MY MOM ADOPTED A ROTTWEILER. Yes that's right. My sweet little church lady mother NEEDED (and so acquired) a rottweiler. She's also in a gang.

whatever, i still have no dog, and no prospects for getting one, so i think I'll get a TV.


all of the sudden: i just can't get enough

which is odd because I’ve been so bad about posting... but here I am ADDICTED!! I'm at work, I just made a hair appointment at Liquid Salon to get my hair did on Wednesday!! I'm really excited because i have hideous black (they look black, they're really just light brown) roots to compliment my lovely white hair...Since I’m going darker, it takes a lot of self control not to just do it at home...HOWEVER what if it turns light orange? I need some cathartic yelling if i have pastel colored hair with darker roots...so therefore, I need to go to a salon, this isn’t about results, it's about accountability.

I'm supposed to be working on a letter to the faculty about the office of academic program's blackboard course, but this seems like such a crap shoot. if i were a faculty member (read: absurdly old lady) and I got a letter about how i need to start posting shit/checking a blackboard course, I’d use the memo as toilet paper, to put it one way.

I was thinking about buying a television. Stupid BU kids got runover by the T near my house and I had no idea. If that doesn’t speak to the necessity of television I don’t know what ever might. The other thing is now that we have paid for internet in the works we will so have EXPENSIVE CABLE WITH CNN AND CNN2!!! I can’t even imagine a better use of my time than watching the CNN stockticker…

Some other kid has a bog (well CLEARLY lot’s of some other kids have blogs) but anyway, some other kid that my friend Dan knows (we’re using the word “friend” tentatively as Dan and I are currently in day 2 of our “you’re insensitive asshole man/you’re inconsiderate bitch girl” fight) but nevertheless, some kid he knows has a blog that devotes an ENTIRE post to berating the LIVESTRONG bracelets. To which I say, “Unoriginal kid, I just want you to know, I’ve been hating on the LIVESTRONG nonsense much longer and MUCH MUCH more effectively than you have FOR A VERY LONG TIME.

kirsch is coming TOMORROW!!!


so long absent. Apologies apologies. Besides the complete lack of internet connection in my house because my EVIL neighbors caught on to my "your wireless is my wireless" game and locked their account thus preventing my internet theft, school has also been keeping me busy. Funny thing, school was so horrifically awful, that it actually required more effort than stupid shitty finals.

not much is new. Boston’s getting warmer...although snow is expected this wknd, BUT I'm celebrating our 45 degrees above zero with flipflops and no coat. I'm hard core addicted to vanilla chi tea lattes, I’m drinking too much again. Legal practice is over. We got our grades and they didn't necessitate me dropping out. All is well. More later, I need to catch up on conlaw real quick, obtain some chi and some lunch and get myself to class.

REAL QUICK: KIRSCH IS COMING FRIDAY!!!! I simply cannot wait!


i think i *might* be in love

so one of the tragedies of my life is that my asshole landlord forbids pets... but you can't let contracts hold you back...i mean technically i think i could break my lease over the "non habitable conditions" of my unshoveled walk. or i could at least talk crazy shit about it, which, as we know, is the my ONLY lawyering skill...buzzwords.

anyway, about being in love. a friend of a friend, john's sister's friend (look john, LOOK!! you made blog!!) rescued a baby doggie who needs a home... and i need to give something a home. So all the sudden, in a way that it hasn't been in days, getting a dog is a very real possibility. (the express prohibition in my lease against pets was holding me back and forcing me to get an iguana. which is also not allowed, but i could use it to scare slumlord greg, and if not scare, than menace.)

additionally, it would be semi hectic to get honey love puppy from Delaware (incidentally Delaware is my LCD state (a sign from JC HIMSELF about destiny? i think so)) to Boston. but anything is possible...and john seems like he's game to help.

decisions are paralyzing....i was going to let you look at pictures but blogger is ass, and will only let me post pictures if they are hosted somewhere else. Ass ass ass! Well I’ll work on that, OR email me and I’ll email them to you. He looks like a real sweetie—all fluffy and back and sweet with wispy fur and a heart of gold. Some sort off hodgepodge terrier baby.

Problems include that he’s NOT of the genital-less persuasion, so we’d have to have him “altered.” I know Bob Barker is all about your pets not having babies, and it isn’t that I want him to have babies, but you know, I’d be damn pissed if I were missing parts.

In unrelated news, I saw someone wearing an ugg poncho, and I was like OH GOD. Who does that?!?! And then I got closer (this was on my walk to the T this morning) and do you know who it was?? CHRISTINE PARVAN, now she didn’t have her wheely backpack anymore and I can’t tell you what’s worse, wheely backpack, or UGG PONCHO. If you’re unfamiliar ugg poncho it is a perversion of a sherling, as in what would happen if a pair of UGLY uggs and a tattered poncho/Mexican blanket got it on. Doesn’t that sound dreadful??

Well, fashion tragedy aside, Christine and I rode the T together, but she bailed when it ran over a baby and was delayed 40 minutes. I, being lazy and inconveniently located, remained on the smelly T while the driver corrected the situation by honking the horn and telling everyone, “SHUT UP. WE AREN’T GOING ANYWHERE.” All in all a good morning.

A very special HAPPY BIRTHDAY to (in alphabetical order b/c there are so goddamn many of you) BRENDI (V’s mom) LANA ZHOVTIS, SANNI HULL, & SARAH ILER. Hope all of you have it very very merry and bright.

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