NOW i do as i please, and i lie through my teeth
second only to that, today was my last day of law school classes for my first year. you really cannot beat that. and tonight is the law school not-formal. you gotta love neu... only we would have our un-formal at trashy limelight with kareoke... while everybody else has a barrister's ball. i'm sure either way it would be weak. but i'm typing this in a towel, at my computer while drinking a beer with a green clay face mask on... i would love to stay and chat, BUT we've got to get our hair in rollers. all of my love.
HOLY FUCK, we're getting a new roommate
I love love love love how my slumlord, Greg continues to play his own perverse version of the real world with my life. Slumlord left me a voice mail today letting me know that we have a new roommate, named Mike, and that I should make sure to introduce myself. this is annoying not only because I was planning on playing Beirut in "mike's new room," this Saturday (fucker, where are we going to play flip cup?! how do I have a high school style kegger in my house with out a empty spare room?) BUT ALSO because Greg lies ALL THE TIME!!! Previously Greg has told me and Katherine(that's how you can tell the conversation didn't happen in my imagination) that if he were going to move someone in, we would have the opportunity to meet said person. But no. That's what Greg says, but not how he plays it. All I can do is hope that "Mike" is
- Quiet
- Passive
- Clean
because if I have to pick up after another roommate or trick another roommate into letting me 'rule the roost' I'm gonna be bullshit.
but nevermind you that, 18 days until japan. jealous?
well well well
anyway. Even though it is materially the weekend, life will, likely, continue to be unfun as finals are in season, even if they are two weeks away. As Youssef so wisely put it,
"all you girls get on the rag as soon as finals start...You all did the same thing last semester!"how graphic. But it's true. I assert that I don't suck, just everyone else sucks. blah blah blah. But that still leaves me with a lot of time to study. maybe i'll really get to it this weekend.
in exciting news, we've made the VERY UNWISE choice to have Amanda's b-day celebrated by a "high school style kegger" at my house. So we're all going to die, and burn my house down. I think we're going to try to trick chris's band into playing so we can add some "jail time for noise violations" on my reading week to-do list. Look for further announcements or your engraved invitation (April 30, 2005 : THE END OF THE WORLD).
anyway. I went to early (8:30) contracts (K) and learned more than I usually do. Then I went to work and abused the photocopier. bwa ha ha ha. And now I'm counting the minutes and working on the take home portion of my crim exam. Sanni and I are going to go get lunch. She wants Uno's (it's close by) but I want Barking Crab. 1. I've never been. 2. Strawberry blonde and mussels sounds perfect for chilly sunshine.
back to thinking about crim law essays ...
Nicotine & Bacteria
I went to hang out with Tina (my foster care mentee) today post classes. And I don’t want to seem ungrateful, as she seems like a really great kid with some admirable goals and some crazy ambition, but there’s a huge gulf between us. Huge… maybe not insurmountable, but still large enough to make me feel really defeated. Maybe with a little time. Bottom line: there is a very good possibility that she’s a liar, and not a very good one.
But she does do wonders to remind me that I’ve forgotten how hard it is to be 14. As much as I like to revel in everyone’s misunderstanding of intention and inflection, all those things sear more when you’re a 14 year old girl with no idea if you’ll be able to pull off shit with your life. And I guess 23 year old know it all, even with good intentions, seems like a complete ass.
Can’t do anything but try.
North to south
i fell off a concrete ledge today because i was screwing around trying to do pilates tricks (on a concrete ledge) and i totally scraped the majority of my joints. waaaaaaaaaaaah. not brilliant.
the main point of posting is that i just registered for my second year of law school classes!!!!! Choosing is more fun than doing.
Poverty Law Clinic
Administrative Law
Family Law
Juvenile Courts: delinquency, abuse, neglect
Advanced Criminal Procedure.
No advanced whining, it wasn't offered this quarter. And I'm not over doing it with six classes. I'm not taking advanced crim pro or juvy courts if i get into the Poverty Law Clinic. But i won't get in to the poverty law clinic, (2L = no dice in a limited enrollment class), so then we're down to 16 credits.
Everyone is here, but you're nowhere near...
HAPPY B-DAY PETE!! Quarter century, not bad.
(the myriad of odd feelings Pete's b-day dredges don't need illumination here.) anyway, my old lady disease is still in full effect, i was asleep by 1 last night and up at 7:30 this morning... funny thing, i can't manage getting up if i need to, but with nothing to do: no problem. But made some basic housecleaning and laundry possible. yay clean!
even thought i want to run around outside, I'm going to go get a head in Con law and catch up in crim. Screw you contracts, i left you at school, so unless i get my motivation on, I'm not leaving the house. i was in the Gap Saturday and they were playing pavement...And i was a little annoyed by it, but it reminded me to listen to pavement, good deal. Ciao, couch is calling!
Jenny Weiss listed her blog on some NY zip code thing so that people can stalk her, and then the people who maintain the site wrote e a negative review that insinuated that they think she's shallow. fuck that JW. It think you're brilliant. Or at least much much smarter than me. Take that as you will.
I know I just said I wouldn't do this, but it's here! It's here!!
you can't get more exciting than that. So so so so so much fun.
speaking of fun. Weekend looks "better than average." First sanni and I have to go meet out new mentees (Tina and Ashley) at the VOA. I'm really excited for new mentee. Later tonight Sanni and I have Bravery tickets. We also have tickets on Saturday. We're playing low key tonight, but then Saturday we hope to obliterate reality and then go see chris's band blanketeer ( http://www.blanketeer.net/ ) at pa's after. Sat afternoon should include lot's of hard work, but Holland and I are going to do the "sephora /downtown crossing shopping thing" that's essential to sanity. I also need to go to Sax and return the $100 in turquoise eyeshadow I bought 3 weeks ago. (i'm easily swindled.) Sunday might very well be a waste, but MONDAY + NO SCHOOL. Weekends are better with padding.
I have to get back to workity work, but in work related news, they offered to let me stay on through the summer, so as long as I re-get my work study, I have a summer job. (score). I also picked out classes. And if you're good, and you stay tuned, I'll tell you about it later.

I can't sleep, I can't dream
I'm @ work, and if I were good I would read my contracts, and maybe I will. But not now, I feel so frisky when it's sunny. If I were a dog, I know, sadly, that I would be the type of dog that chases its tail. And barks unnecessarily. Lucky me, I'm not a dog. But speaking of dogs, sanni and I saw a little dreamboat of a dog walking up the street. This raises a number of questions. 1. Would it be trite to have a Boston terrier in Boston? What if I promise to move AS SOON as possible? 2. Is it unethical to borrow money under the pretext of using it for school and really purchasing a dog? What if I told you that I'm lonely? (dog = cure all)
there are two weeks of classes left. And in a month we'll be done with finals, and being 1Ls... That's a more than a little crazy. Hopefully the rest of this law school thing will fly by. But you know what's better than all that, better than everything?
31 DAYS 'til I go to Japan!!
clarity bought bus tickets for us to Kyoto this morning. We were going to take the "speed train" but apparently we've opted for an overnight bus option to save almost $200...which is awesome, I really cannot believe I am REALLY going. I pretend I'm going to do some many things. Crazy to follow through.
in completely unrelated news, well, semi related news. I bought a digital camera over the weekend. So someday soon, pictures of my fabulous life. Or at least maybe Japan.
37 days 'til JAPAN!!!
and it isn't even SUBSTANTIAL.
Hello there, Stranger. I guess I don't have a lot to say. Boston is having a run of glorious weather. Which is a lovely change of pace. Unfortunately law school is not obliged to turn on any sort of temperature control system as the heat outdoors rises. So our 70s style all concrete building is magically transformed into a huge human oven. Tra la la la la. BRILLIANT.
I thought I was going to go see (my new absolute fave band EVER) Bloc Party This translates roughly to: the show was April 5, 2005 and not May 5, 2005 but the date was listed as 05.04.05. theoretically from the context of the rest of the dates I should have been able to determine that it was APRIL and not may, but I'm a shitty law student, not a neuroscientist. whatever ... nothing matters right? You miss somethings somedays, and other days you get hit by the train. In the end, everybody is unhappy.
Which brings me to my next point; I'm never leaving my house or talking to anyone ever again. No matter what you do, you're a miserable excuse for a human being to someone. At home there's no one to destroy besides you. (and your roommates --if you get bored ruining your own life.) and I don't think I'm overstating, I'm sincere in this moment, at least, everyone is disappointing, including, and perhaps most importantly, me.